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Somerset Phoenix Project

Working alongside professionals and supporting children, young people and families affected by sexual abuse.

A specialist service supporting the development of professionals in Somerset. We are here to reduce the negative impact of child sexual abuse (CSA) on the lives of children and families living in Somerset

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Support for parents/carers

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Addressing unrest
12 Aug 2024

Addressing unrest

We can offer support specifically for parents & carers whose children are survivors of any type of sexual abuse. 


One-off support slots with our adult coordinator

We understand that parents & carers may have lots of questions following a disclosure of sexual abuse. We know that some parents & carers aren't ready to manage all of the issues that come with this disclosure.

Our adult coordinator can get in touch and offer an hour's appointment to talk about specific issues and worries that you are facing. You will be listened to and supported. You may wish to talk through such subjects as: how to support your child, what it means for the family, parenting a traumatised child, looking after siblings etc. 

The slots are as-and-when-needed and it is not sessional counselling. You are welcome to use this service for a maximum of 4 spaced-out slots. If you find that you need further support we may suggest one of our other services. The slots will be done either virtually or by telephone.



We offer up to 16 sessions of individual counselling, term-time only, for those parents/carers that are ready for a therapeutic journey. The sessions are a safe place to explore the complexities and emotional feelings associated with your child's abuse. We go at your pace and are also happy to explore your past and present experiences that feed into where you are at the moment. The sessions run in blocks of 8 weeks with a review to see if further counselling is needed.


Therapeutic Advocacy

This is support from our Adult Specialist Support worker, and it can be ongoing - maybe weekly, fortnightly, or monthly. 

This support can help you gain practical advice around managing the impact of sexual abuse – this could be things like understanding the legal system, dealing with child contact arrangements, understanding the social care system, education, housing or accessing other services such as domestic abuse support. 

Alternatively, it can simply be for you to have someone to share your feelings with whilst you are waiting for counselling to begin. Therapeutic advocacy can sit alongside your counselling support, or it can be the only element of support you access; we can discuss this with you to help you make an informed choice.


Therapeutic Parent/Carer Support

Therapeutic parent/carer support is a series of up to 6 sessions with a trained specialist support worker. The support worker will work alongside you at your pace virtually. It helps you understand how your child or young person’s brain is working, why they react and behave in a way that is different from their peers who aren't survivors of abuse, the ripples and impact of the abuse on them, you and your family. It can look at the relationship your child or young person had or still wants to have with the abuser, the grooming process, and ways to support your child and yourself in moving forwards.

You can have therapeutic parenting support alongside one of the options listed above e.g. counselling, one-off slots, or therapeutic advocacy.


Requesting Support

To request parent support please head to our Request Support page. On there you can read our service criteria and download the most appropriate form to fill in and email to us. 


If you need immediate safeguarding or signposting, please see the following links below.

Safeguarding and Emergency Information Download 

Mental Health Crisis Information Download


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(61625 England - see the governing document). Registered office: Tanners Lane, Barkingside, Ilford, Essex IG6 1QG | VAT number 507477337